The secret super-powers of mushrooms for women
Most women are busy, and taking the time to make healthy food for themselves can be a challenge. Mushrooms are not only great in taste, but also that they hold many health benefits specifically for women.
New research has found mushrooms deliver health benefits for all women, including mums-to-be.
Australian Mushroom Growers Association Dietitian and nationally renowned nutritionist Jane Freeman is encouraging women to boost their mushroom intake to support their overall health.
“New studies have found the addition of mushrooms to a daily diet can be beneficial to women at every stage of life while also providing health and nutrition advantages to their families,” Ms Freeman says.
In fact, mushrooms are rich in B-group vitamins and a good source in vitamin D which all women need, but these vitamins are even more essential for women who are pregnant.
Please read the full article here.
Source: AMGA – Australian Mushroom Growers’ Assoc